Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh man!

Today was actually an okay Monday. Usually, for me at least, Monday's are like the worst days of the week because it's a start of a new week, and you have to go back to school or work. It gets pretty frustrating sometimes.'s sunny! I love the sun! It's not even summer! This is truly amazing. :) It was raining quite a bit earlier today but I guess it cleared up. Yesterday, I never got to study for my Biology test or do my practice History ID. I was sick and I fell asleep on the couch. So...tomorrow! Oh my gosh, tomorrow I have my tests. I need to study like CRAZY here soon! In history, we did a practice ID test and I kind of got some stuff, but I still needed more. And Biology. OH DEAR. Science isn't that hard, until you start Bio. Biology is so confusing, and it's just BLARG! I don't know...I'm just rambling now. Anyways, I'll probably study here in a few minutes. I hope I do well!