And I thought today was going to be semi-okay, but NO. Monday's are always the worst days out of the week. Biology wasn't fun, Math was a bore, World History was cool, lunch was okay, and P.E..... Oh man, P.E.! We started swimming. I forgot my swimsuit, so I had to barrow my friend's. When I got into the water, and did the side-stroke, my contact broke. I took it out, and there was a part of it missing. I thought Oh great. I'm screwed. The other piece must be in my eye or something... I couldn't feel anything, but I still don't know if that other piece is in or not. Another thing that happened: I tried opening the P.E. locker door, but it was locked. So I cussed really loud, and there was a teacher walking down the hall. He was all, "Whoa there! Potty mouth!" And I told him that I forgot my shorts for swimming...then he's like, "Oh, I understand." It was embarassing!
To add to that, I still have a fever, my throat is almost dead, and my mom said I sounded like a little boy on the phone....
I'm gonna hope and pray that tomorrow will be better.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Who Knew?
Who knew Theraflu Nighttime medicine could taste so terrible. I mean, most medicines taste bad, but this one tastes disgusting! When I was a little girl, my parents would give me this "cherry" flavored cold medicine. I absolutely hated it. It didn't taste like cherries at all! But when they gave me the grape one, it actually tasted semi-grapey. I didn't understand how that whole flavor thing worked. Anyways, I went to bed around 2:30 am last night, and I woke up at 7 am to this sore feeling in my throat. I drank some water and went back to sleep. Later when I actually got up, I checked my temp, and the thermometer read 100.3. That explained everything. It's a tough case of the sore throat. And now, I'm sitting here writing this blog and listening to some mellow jams.
Four Things I Learned Today:
1. I can make my hair somewhat wavey without using harmful heating tools!
2. I can also create cave woman looking hair.
3. All of Europe banned Atrazine.
4. Atrazine is connected with Ovarian, Prostate, and Breast cancer.
Four Things I Learned Today:
1. I can make my hair somewhat wavey without using harmful heating tools!
2. I can also create cave woman looking hair.
3. All of Europe banned Atrazine.
4. Atrazine is connected with Ovarian, Prostate, and Breast cancer.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Say What They Want, Think What They Want.
I just absolutely LOVE IT when people talk about me. (total sarcasm...) I guess there's nothing I can do about it. All I know is that I'm me, and people who don't know me personally can judge me or not. It's heart-breaking to know that society puts labels on certain people just because of their past or how they look or how they act. I find it so fascinating and yet irritating all at once. When society does label or says things, all we have to do is brush it off and realize that those people aren't us. Be true to yourself and don't care about the stupid things.
So, besides all that, it's late. Spring break is going by really fast...too fast for my liking. The school days will be back before I can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten times fast. This week has been good though. Tomorrow, I don't think I'm gonna do anything. Saturday...Can Drive! (plans always change) Sunday...Homework. I should sleep.
So, besides all that, it's late. Spring break is going by really fast...too fast for my liking. The school days will be back before I can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten times fast. This week has been good though. Tomorrow, I don't think I'm gonna do anything. Saturday...Can Drive! (plans always change) Sunday...Homework. I should sleep.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm so happy! Finally, a break from school...a break from life...and a time to relax, and sleep in. :) These moments are rare, and only happen every once in a blue moon. I also got my 1st leadership service thing done today for NHS. We went around the neighborhood and collected clothes. I got 2 trash bags full, but there's still some neighbors that need to call me. Hopefully it all works out.
Spring Break Plans:
Saturday-Sunday: Relaxing.
Monday-Tuesday: Sleepover
Tuesday-Wednesday: More Relaxing.
Friday: Skate World :)
Saturday: Can Drive with my friend in her neighborhood.
Sunday: Homework.
I wish I were this talented.
Spring Break Plans:
Saturday-Sunday: Relaxing.
Monday-Tuesday: Sleepover
Tuesday-Wednesday: More Relaxing.
Friday: Skate World :)
Saturday: Can Drive with my friend in her neighborhood.
Sunday: Homework.
I wish I were this talented.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I don't know! I'm stressing out about things that I shouldn't even be stressing out about!!!!! I think I need to get everything down and just GO! I got 6 hours of sleep last night, and the night before...and all week last week. Today was like an emotional roller coaster. I just wanna like...lasdjfwlkejflwkefj23lkrj12! I really wanna calm down... need to calm down.
I don't know what to do.
My brain is so whack, I seriously think I'm going crazy.
I don't know what to do.
My brain is so whack, I seriously think I'm going crazy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Every So Often Dental Cleaning
Woohoo! I finally got my teeth cleaned, and it feels great! I used to go to a dentist near where I live, but he wasn't the best. This one time, I had a cavity in the very back of my mouth, and I went to get it fixed. He ends up getting the cavity out but in the process, hurts my gum. It bleeds and my mouth is sore for the next couple of days. I thought this is the last straw, I'm telling my parents to go back to my old dentist! I complain to my mom and dad, and then we switch back to my old dentist. Him and his co-workers do such a good job! I'm glad I got the chance to go back. Other than getting a dental cleaning, I got piled on with a bunch of homework! The rest of this week is going to be especially busy. Why? Well, tomorrow will be a normal day, except for the Seminar in World History. It's worth like 50 points... but ya just gotta do it. And...Thursday, maybe going to the elementry school with my friend to ask the teacher if we can teach the kids after school for leadership experience. Friday, lots of things are due, and I'm gathering people to collect old clothing for kids/teens around my neighborhood.
Fun fun fun!
Fun fun fun!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sadie Hawkins Dance
It was okay. There were girls wearing dresses...and it's a country dance...but that's okay I guess. I got there around 8:00ish and it was SO EMPTY. Then at 9:00 the gym started getting packed, but I don't think it filled at all. It was fun dancing and stuff, but the DJ cow thing kept stopping inbetween songs. So, I decided to leave along with my friends. We went to Plaid Pantry, bought some unhealthy food items and various beverages. All of us shared sugar waffers, and drank soda in the parking lot. I felt like a homeless hillbilly. :) Then around 10:30 we walked back to the school, and tried to get into the dance again. Epic FAIL! Then, we walked to the football field and just ran around. So fun! Around....11:00 my mom picked me up and I went home. I thought the dance was going to be better than it actually was.
I have homework to work on and time to kill. Write later!
I have homework to work on and time to kill. Write later!
Friday, March 13, 2009
One of the Best Feelings
I love it when I wake up, and I feel well-rested and not completely exhausted! I went to sleep around 11:50ish last night, and I woke up at 11:30 am this morning. All those hours make up for the lost sleep these past couple of days. Yesterday, I went to parent teacher conferences, and the night before that I went to the NHS information meeting. PTC's went great! Except for that stupid C in my math class. And NHS...I have make my application and get some leadership things in. Anyways, today my best friend came over along with her grandpa, her sister, and her mom. We ate and drank tea surprisely. It was nice. :) We also downloaded new songs for our iPods. Then she left at 5 or something.
Sadie Hawkins at 8pm tonight! Who knew it'd take like 30 minutes just to do braided pig-tails and actually make them look good! I was so frustrated, but now my hair's done. I can't wait! It's gonna be bomb-diggity!
It's only Friday....whoa. That's so weird. It feels like it's Saturday.
Sadie Hawkins at 8pm tonight! Who knew it'd take like 30 minutes just to do braided pig-tails and actually make them look good! I was so frustrated, but now my hair's done. I can't wait! It's gonna be bomb-diggity!
It's only Friday....whoa. That's so weird. It feels like it's Saturday.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Done For Now
I'm done with my audition! I felt so good after I walked out of the choir room. The monologue that I had originally memorized wasn't appropriate for the audition, so I decided to do a "light-hearted childhood story." I was going to do the one of how my best friend and I became friends, but I figured it wasn't long enough. Soooo, I picked a short story about us going fishing, and the police giving my dad a ticket... and it worked! Now, I have to wait for call backs. Then after that, yet another performance is needed for acceptance into Ramona Quimby. Going up in front of people is sometimes very nerve-racking and yet so rewarding in the end. (Well, in some cases at least.) I'm glad I can get out of my comfort zone and actually do something!
Worst thing today: Biology! Mrs. Swain, Ms. Swain (I really don't know) wasn't there, but we had a substitute. She was a nice lady, and all, but the thing that was assigned was so freaking annoying!!!!! I cussed way too much this morning, while I was in that class. I didn't mean to, but it's hard to put little tiny beads on wires and thread another wire through to make it look like a DNA model. I was about ready to throw my wired model across the room, or stomp on it, but I wasn't the only one getting frustrated. Many of the other students were too. It was SO CRAZY! I'm never going to take a beeding class in my life thanks to that ONE project.
This Week's Agenda:
- Tomorrow: come home, do homework, then NHS at 7pm.
- Thursday: PTC, then home/homework.
- Friday: Shopping/Sadie Hawkins! YEEHAH!
This song calms me.
Worst thing today: Biology! Mrs. Swain, Ms. Swain (I really don't know) wasn't there, but we had a substitute. She was a nice lady, and all, but the thing that was assigned was so freaking annoying!!!!! I cussed way too much this morning, while I was in that class. I didn't mean to, but it's hard to put little tiny beads on wires and thread another wire through to make it look like a DNA model. I was about ready to throw my wired model across the room, or stomp on it, but I wasn't the only one getting frustrated. Many of the other students were too. It was SO CRAZY! I'm never going to take a beeding class in my life thanks to that ONE project.
This Week's Agenda:
- Tomorrow: come home, do homework, then NHS at 7pm.
- Thursday: PTC, then home/homework.
- Friday: Shopping/Sadie Hawkins! YEEHAH!
This song calms me.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Monologue Memorized!
I finally memorized my monologue for tomorrow's audition. I found this monologue like a week ago, but I just started to memorize/develop the character today. It's pretty sad actually. I'm surprised I got it all down! Tomorrow I'm basically spending all my time at school.
-Arrive around 7:30ish or 7:40 am.
-Get out at 2:50 and go to the auditorium/lobby .
-4:34 pm Monologue audition.
-After that stay at school until the career pathway summit.
-Mom picks me up around 9.
Then...homework. :(
This week is going to be busy busy busy! But I'm glad for that. Staying at home, doing nothing is so boring.

-Arrive around 7:30ish or 7:40 am.
-Get out at 2:50 and go to the auditorium/lobby .
-4:34 pm Monologue audition.
-After that stay at school until the career pathway summit.
-Mom picks me up around 9.
Then...homework. :(
This week is going to be busy busy busy! But I'm glad for that. Staying at home, doing nothing is so boring.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Late Night Bloggage
I should be in bed right now, sleeping, but I wanted to post a short blog. My friend slept over last night, and she left around 4:30 pm. The sleepover was fun! We did nothing productive whatsoever. I also went to Trader Joe's yesterday with my mom to buy things for the party today. I'm going to my best friend's house to meet her grandma
at 6:00 pm. Woohooo...not really. I guess it won't be too bad. I'm such a big rambler. Anyway, something semi-interesting that happened yesterday: my friend and I were eating these jelly things (they're so good when they're frozen!) and I'm trying to get the plastic lid off with my teeth right? So I'm pulling and pulling on this thing and it just won't come off. My grip isn't tight enough so my teeth slip, and the edge of the plastic cup CUTS, yes, CUTS my gum! I was like, "OH CRAP!" And it bled. Not a pretty sight. Then my mom's like, "Lisa why do you always like to hurt yourself?" I'm all, "I don't LIKE TO it just happens!" It sucks to be uncareful about things... always remember to be cautious. (Especially when it comes to jelly cups!)
The beginning of this song always reminds me of the Apple company.
The beginning of this song always reminds me of the Apple company.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Hero of Guitar
My friend is over. We're playing Guitar Hero 3. It's such an amazing game. Today, was actually a GOOD DAY! Not a lot of homework. I was flabbergasted. :) And tomorrow, I'm sleeping in! Woohoo! No alarm! Nicole has something to say...
Hello fellow human beings/men. How are you? I am developing Guitar Hero'd wrist. It hurts mucho. For all you stupid people that means a lot. Yes, a lot is two words. I learned that in fourth grade when I got that bonus point wrong. Mr. Bechtold tricked us. Only Tyler got it right. It sucked. I miss fourth grade. I got yelled at for laughing at a porno mag at 7-11. My teacher threatened to take away my self manager badge for that. He didn't though. He eventually took it away because I wrote a three sentence essay.... IT WASN'T FAIR THOUGH. He gave me the wrong names to research! HE NEVER APOLOGIZED. Sooo lame. D: Today in band I was running with my saxophone and I forgot what I ran into but the next thing I knew, my leg was scraped up and bleeding. That sucked too. So today I found out that pretend strokes are more important than my coffee. I guess I have to grow up and realize that when people can't breathe, I can't always get Starbucks. Whatever though. That was sarcasm I hope you know. hmmm I think I wrote a lot. I should start writing on my actual blog. =o I'm gonna go on facebook now and stalk some hotties.
Lisa again.
More guitar hero! Goodbye. :)
Hello fellow human beings/men. How are you? I am developing Guitar Hero'd wrist. It hurts mucho. For all you stupid people that means a lot. Yes, a lot is two words. I learned that in fourth grade when I got that bonus point wrong. Mr. Bechtold tricked us. Only Tyler got it right. It sucked. I miss fourth grade. I got yelled at for laughing at a porno mag at 7-11. My teacher threatened to take away my self manager badge for that. He didn't though. He eventually took it away because I wrote a three sentence essay.... IT WASN'T FAIR THOUGH. He gave me the wrong names to research! HE NEVER APOLOGIZED. Sooo lame. D: Today in band I was running with my saxophone and I forgot what I ran into but the next thing I knew, my leg was scraped up and bleeding. That sucked too. So today I found out that pretend strokes are more important than my coffee. I guess I have to grow up and realize that when people can't breathe, I can't always get Starbucks. Whatever though. That was sarcasm I hope you know. hmmm I think I wrote a lot. I should start writing on my actual blog. =o I'm gonna go on facebook now and stalk some hotties.
Lisa again.
More guitar hero! Goodbye. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
One of Those Days
I'm so tired. I'm ready to go to sleep for a couple hours but I still have homework so I can't. Today...oh today. It was slow, and it gradually got better as it went on. Two things made my day.
1. A kid walked into the entrance door of the library. His friends laughed and so did I, and my friend. It was hilarious! I bet it hurt though...
2. 95/100 on my essay + great comments on it. That essay is my pride and joy! (Gosh, I'm SUCH A DORK!)
Today was also the last day of bowling club. :( I didn't bowl much though. And, tomorrow, I'm staying for the swing dance club, but I'm not dancing with them. My friend and I are going to explore the school and hang out. It'll be fun.
1. A kid walked into the entrance door of the library. His friends laughed and so did I, and my friend. It was hilarious! I bet it hurt though...
2. 95/100 on my essay + great comments on it. That essay is my pride and joy! (Gosh, I'm SUCH A DORK!)
Today was also the last day of bowling club. :( I didn't bowl much though. And, tomorrow, I'm staying for the swing dance club, but I'm not dancing with them. My friend and I are going to explore the school and hang out. It'll be fun.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Keep in Touch
I got home about an hour ago from my doctor's appointment. They tested everything, and overall I'm healthy, but I'm disgusted with my weight. I need to exercise more and stop eating so much. :( After the doctor's appointment my mom got the mail. And, I recieved my magazine, PLUS Mr. Caro's NHS letter. I'm still deciding on whether to join or not. Surprisingly, I'm right on the borderline with a 3.66 or something like that. I guess I'll talk to him tomorrow about it. After reading the letter, my mom called my dad. They talked for like 2 minutes, then she had to go out of the house (again). So me and my dad talked. It was great to just have a conversation with him and to hear his voice. I want him to come home... Well, anyways, on another note: ALL TESTS ARE DONE AND OVER WITH! I'm so happy! I thought my Biology test was gonna be way longer than it was, but turns out it was only 27 questions. :) My history test is a whole different story. I studied during my 1st, and 2nd period, but I was so paranoid and nervous, and I blanked out on a lot of things. Mr. Caro, if you're reading this, THANK YOU for letting us use our packets. Without mine, I would've failed horribly. Hopefully I got at least a B. I'm glad it's all over with. :) Another day of life, accomplished.
One last thing. I had the weirdest dream last night. So, I was with my friend and this one guy (I don't remember who the guy was) and it was snowing outside. There was about a foot or two...or three of snow, and we decided to go into some random shed. Now, the windows in this shed were broken, the blinds were broken, and the window frame was broken. It was really dark outside also. I hear this voice outside that says, "If you see THE LIGHT then you can come outside, but if you don't see THE LIGHT then you need to stay inside!" I look outside, and I see a light from a guy's flashlight, but we still stayed in the shed. Courtney (my friend) told me to fix the blinds, so I tried. Then she said, "Don't make too much noise, or else the creatures will hear us." So, I mess around with it, trying not to make any noise. After I'm done, she decides to fix the window frame, but she makes a HUGE noise. After that, we all go into panic! And then, out of the blue, there's a moose in the window. It jumps through and starts running around in the shed! We started to scream, and the guy said there would be 2 more moose chasing after it. Then...we all ran out into the fields, where there was no snow.
I don't know what happened to make me dream about a wild moose! That's so insane!
One last thing. I had the weirdest dream last night. So, I was with my friend and this one guy (I don't remember who the guy was) and it was snowing outside. There was about a foot or two...or three of snow, and we decided to go into some random shed. Now, the windows in this shed were broken, the blinds were broken, and the window frame was broken. It was really dark outside also. I hear this voice outside that says, "If you see THE LIGHT then you can come outside, but if you don't see THE LIGHT then you need to stay inside!" I look outside, and I see a light from a guy's flashlight, but we still stayed in the shed. Courtney (my friend) told me to fix the blinds, so I tried. Then she said, "Don't make too much noise, or else the creatures will hear us." So, I mess around with it, trying not to make any noise. After I'm done, she decides to fix the window frame, but she makes a HUGE noise. After that, we all go into panic! And then, out of the blue, there's a moose in the window. It jumps through and starts running around in the shed! We started to scream, and the guy said there would be 2 more moose chasing after it. Then...we all ran out into the fields, where there was no snow.
I don't know what happened to make me dream about a wild moose! That's so insane!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Oh man!
Today was actually an okay Monday. Usually, for me at least, Monday's are like the worst days of the week because it's a start of a new week, and you have to go back to school or work. It gets pretty frustrating sometimes.'s sunny! I love the sun! It's not even summer! This is truly amazing. :) It was raining quite a bit earlier today but I guess it cleared up. Yesterday, I never got to study for my Biology test or do my practice History ID. I was sick and I fell asleep on the couch. So...tomorrow! Oh my gosh, tomorrow I have my tests. I need to study like CRAZY here soon! In history, we did a practice ID test and I kind of got some stuff, but I still needed more. And Biology. OH DEAR. Science isn't that hard, until you start Bio. Biology is so confusing, and it's just BLARG! I don't know...I'm just rambling now. Anyways, I'll probably study here in a few minutes. I hope I do well!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
March Already?
I looked at the calender on my digital clock about 15 minutes ago and it read "3/1/Sun". Then it hit's March 1st! It's amazing how time flies by so fast. It felt like just yesterday I was starting my sophomore year, and now I'm more than half way through it! Gah, that's so mind-boggling. Today, my agenda:
-World History Homework
-Self Test on World History (Practice ID)
-Study for Biology Test
-Done son!
I don't know why, but I'm really nervous for my tests. Both my history test and my biology test are on the same day. I guess everyone gets nervous...ugh. So last night I got a phone call at like 11:50 from my best friend. She was at someone's house and she was really bored, but I was brushing my teeth. My mom picked up and said that I wasn't available. I wanted to talk to her because she sounded really bored over text messaging...but my mom said it was too late. So, I couldn't. It made me a little sad. :( I should probably go and finish my history packet. Procrastination = horrible.
-World History Homework
-Self Test on World History (Practice ID)
-Study for Biology Test
-Done son!
I don't know why, but I'm really nervous for my tests. Both my history test and my biology test are on the same day. I guess everyone gets nervous...ugh. So last night I got a phone call at like 11:50 from my best friend. She was at someone's house and she was really bored, but I was brushing my teeth. My mom picked up and said that I wasn't available. I wanted to talk to her because she sounded really bored over text messaging...but my mom said it was too late. So, I couldn't. It made me a little sad. :( I should probably go and finish my history packet. Procrastination = horrible.
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