Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Break
Some things I did today:
1. Stayed in bed until 4pm. Yes. 4:00 PM.
2. Went shopping at 6.
3. Came home at 9.
4. Wrote Christmas cards until 12:30 AM.
Kind of a boring day, but it wasn't too bad. I hope the laptop doesn't die. That would suck.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Today Isn't That Special.
Every weekday since this year started, I've been getting 6 or less hours of sleep. I don't mind and I still function, but it's weird because when you lack sleep for a couple months, and then you gain that extra hour of sleep for one night, you can feel the difference. I've never really noticed that until junior year.
I've been so worried, stressed, pissed, and not happy for a while now. I don't think I've been truly happy for the last couple weeks. I need to learn how to tackle things without thinking a bunch. I feel like I'm incapable of doing things sometimes. It's difficult, and people tell me to give up or to stop. I don't want to give up anything. I want to keep pushing myself, but I the more I do that, the more I get worried. I can't relax, or seem to make myself take a break. I just keep going. I feel like there's not enough time in the day to finish things. I know it might sound like I'm complaining, but I'm only human. And I complain. I'm not going to sit there and hold everything inside until it all explodes into one emotional break down. I've never been this stressed out about school or life in general, ever! I don't know what to do, and I'm finding myself in a rut. I don't enjoy watching TV because I'm thinking about that essay. I don't enjoy dinner because I'm thinking about that test. I don't enjoy coming home because my mom has to leave for work anyways... This probably sounds really pathetic, but I hope things get better...
Um...I cried today, and I couldn't stop. My heart was racing really fast, and it was kind of hard to breathe. I don't know what happened, but it wasn't good. That's all I know...
The downfall to caring too much is worry. Worry is horrible.
What ever you do; don't worry, be happy!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are
The story is bascially about this little boy named Max. He lives with his mom and his sister, Claire. His mom is seeing other men because she divorced her husband, and Max lashes out at her because he's angry. After he bites her, he runs away to this imaginary world where these creatures roam, called the "Wild Things." Each one of them as a name and they all live together. KW, one of the creatures, left the group and Caroll (the main wild thing) wants her back so she can be with the group. He also wants the group to live together like they did before. So, Max comes along and delcares himself king of the wild things. He tries to improve their lives and bring them back together.
This sounds like a simple story, but each scene has a meaning behind it. It's really weird. If you haven't seen it, then I suggest you do! As I was watching the movie I analyzed it as it went on. Now, to start from the beginning. Max starts to build an igloo. He goes to his sister to see if she wants to take a look at it. Then, her friends come over, they get into a snow fight, and then they destroy his igloo. I think his igloo represents his fortress. He wants to live in his own little world where nothing can go wrong. And his sister's friends destroyed it. He's sad after this, and tells his mom that Claire didn't do anything about it. There's this one particular scene where he's in bed, looking at the model of the world. There's this plate on the stand that holds it up saying, "You own the world. Love Dad." or something like that. He associates this later with his crowning as he becomes king of the wild things. Because he "owns" the whole land when he finds them.
Another thing. When Max's sister, Claire, doesn't do anything about her friends destroying his igloo, Max gets mad and destroys her room. Throwing all her stuff and destroying everything. This is kind of the same as Caroll destroying his friends' houses because they aren't doing anything to try and live together peacefully, and to get KW back also.
Later, there's a scene where his mom is talking to this other guy, and he wants his mom to come upstairs to check out his fortress. But he goes downstairs, sees the guy, and acts out towards his mom. He bites his mom on the right arm, then his mom tells him "You're out of control!" and Max runs away. He takes a boat, and ends up on a land where he finds the Wild Things. When he ends up there, he sees Caroll and he says "No one is on my side! I guess I'm on my own side." This line instantly made me relate Caroll with Max. Max is on his own. It seems to be that his mother or his sister do not support him in the movie. So by this point, Caroll represents Max, and the other wild things represent the other parts of Max. KW represents a person though. When Caroll says that, I related that to when Max was having a snowball fight with his sister's friends. No one was on his side, and he was on his own. That's the first thing that I thought about.
The next thing that I analyzed was Caroll wanting KW to come back. I thought that maybe Caroll had a thing for KW, but it was something totally different. KW left Caroll for her two new friends, Bob and Terry. This is like Max's mother divorcing Max's father for other men, affecting Max, and making him act out. Caroll wanted KW to come back so they could be one happy family with the other wild things. Max wants the same thing with his parents. He wants his mom to stop dating other men and go back to his dad. Caroll, acting out also due to KW's absence, wants her to come back and stop hanging out with Bob and Terry.
There are many scenes in this movie. Another one is when Caroll finds out that Max isn't actually a king. He's just a normal boy. Caroll's friend, Douglas tells him that he was just acting along and tries to calm Caroll down. Caroll rips his arm off! That arm is the same arm that Max bit on his mom. So in that scene, since Caroll represents Max, Douglas is like his mom trying to tell him not to act out. Caroll gets even more angry and therefore rips his arm off. Max's mom tells him not to act out, so Max bites his mom's shoulder. Also, after that Caroll goes and tries to eat Max. KW finds Max and hides IN KW. Yes, inside KW. It was really weird. But anyway, Caroll confronts KW, but KW tells him to go away and so he does. KW says, "Can you believe he's like that?" And Max says, "He's just scared. And he only acts like that because he loves you. And he just wants to be a family." (or something around those worlds.) In this scene, KW represents Max's mother, and Caroll represents Max. Then, KW says, "Being a family is hard." And I think that line kind of gives the perspective of Max's mother. Because Max's mother has to deal with Max, work, and trying to find a new guy. Max doesn't respond to KW, but he wants to get out of her stomach!
Two more scenes that really spoke to me. One of the scenes was Caroll showing Max his perfect world. He builds a model and tells Max that he wants to build something like this; where all the wild things can live together in a peaceful place. Max says "Okay! Let's build it!" So they try to build it. Max promises that he will make everyone live together, and that everything will work out. The fortress is built and things aren't like Max promised. Caroll lashes out and says "We havne't been together since we built this fortress! We have to tear it down! Max, you promise that you'd take care of us and bring us together!" I think that the model that Caroll made represents everyone's ideal world. Everyone wants to live in a perfect world where everything is okay, and happy. But the fortress that they built shows how there is no such thing as a perfect world. Things fall apart, and not everything will work out in the end.
The last thing that I'd like to analyze. While everyone is working on building this fort, Max and Caroll talk and build it together. Caroll carves a heart with an "M" in the middle of it in the fort. Now, at the end, Caroll is still very pissed off, and Max has to leave to go back to his mother. He goes back to Caroll's model, which is destroyed, to hopefully find Caroll, but he isn't there. So, he creates a heart with sticks, and puts the letter "C" in the middle of the heart. Then, Max walks to the beach, and says goodbye to everyone. Caroll goes to his destroyed model, and sees the heart with the "C" in the middle and starts to cry. Caroll runs to the beach and says goodbye to Max by howling. Max howls back in a way of saying goodbye. In a sense, Max is saying goodbye to his old self (Caroll), because Caroll acts out, and is angry. He doesn't know how to control his feelings. And that's how Max used to be. He didn't know how to control his emotions, so he just bursted out in anger. By this point (when Max is on the boat, sailing home), Max has accepted the divorce between his mom and dad and is ready to move on, and to create a new and improved self. He also realizes that the only thing that matters is the people who love you. And that's all you need.
I gotta say, this movie made me cry. I don't know why...maybe it's because I kind of understood the meaning behind it, but not to a full sense until I tried thinking about it afterwards. In my opinion, movie in a nutshell, shows how kids feel and how they act towards the divorce of their parents. It makes me feel sad, and sympathetic for those kids whos parents divorce at such a young age. Because a lot of them feel like it's their fault, and they DON'T KNOW how to control their emotions towards the situation. This movie is very intense. It's not what I expected, but I'm glad that it symbolizes something. It's very interesting. If you haven't seen it, then I suggest you do. It's not cute like most people think. It just affects your mind in a weird way to make you feel like you've never felt. Some might see the true meaning, and some might not. Go see it. Where the Wild Things Are will affect you in a way that you've never experienced!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What's With This?!
Check this out.
This is the exact thing that promotes eating disorders! A 5'10" model that weighed 120 pounds was FIRED from Ralph Lauren because she couldn't fit into her sample clothes! That's crazy! I saw this on the news for a brief moment, but it was only a highlight of the whole segment. My exact reaction to my mom: "WHAT?! A MODEL, FIRED FOR BEING TOO FAT?!" I find this totally ridiculous! This sends a message to girls saying that they need to be even skinnier if they want to be "accepted" or "succeed".
The irony of that sentence just astonishes me.
That's wrong.
There's a picture of her photoshopped in one of the magazine ads. Her figure doesn't even look like a natural woman figure! It actually looks a bit weird and off to me. The modeling industry is insane...
Monday, September 28, 2009
I Can't Do This Again!
Homework this, homework that. Homework takes up a lot of my time and energy. To tell you the truth, I only truly like one class out of my whole schedule. (4th Block!)
Gahhh blahhh I'm just rambling on now... I do that a lot.
Good bye!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Goodbye Summer. Hello Junior Year.
This summer I:
-went to the Great Wolf Lodge.
-talked on the phone for hours on end.
-slept in.
-made some cash.
-became stress-free.
-hung out with awesome people
I'd say my summer was average. The Great Wolf was fun though! :)
I'm turning 17 in less tan 2 months.
Holy crap!
Life flies by.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Dear Blog,
Lately, I've been busy with work, but hey it's cash right? Haha. I can't believe it's August. Why does summer have to go by so fast...?
Summer; SLOW DOWN!
Thanks. :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Summer, You Make Me SO Happy!
1. I don't have to wake up early and get ready for school!
2. I don't have any stress to deal with.
3. I kind of pay attention to the time but not really. Sometimes I forget the date...
4. It's a better time to go on vacations.
5. It's summer, so of course it's going to be sunny! (Unless you live where I live...)
7. I can manage my time easier.
8. I can talk on the phone until 1:30 AM without having to worry about my loss of sleep. (Except on work days.)
9. I can hang out with people more frequently than I could if I were in school.
10. I can kick back and relax.
Summer is simply fantastic.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Schools Out For The Summer!
I woke up not too long ago from a 6 hour nap, I'm so excited for this summer! All the stresses from this year are gone. Next year, junior year, is going to be so scary and difficult! My last class was Personal Family Studies and all I did was listen to presentations. It was a nice class to end with. And plus, I got a B in the classes that I thought I would get a C in. I think this year, I've grown more. I've learned how to break out of my shell, ask for help, and talk to people. I've learned more about myself this year than any other year that I've attended school. I've pushed myself to new heights that I never thought I could reach. Freshman year is like, "Okay high school! Let's start." It was kind of easy. Sophomore year is somewhat hard, but I tried, and I got what I deserved. Junior year (from what I've heard) is said to be the hardest year of high school. It's crazy how this year has already ended!! It feels like not too long ago, I started my 10th grade year, and now it's all over. I'm still in awe of it, and I'm letting it sink in. This summer is going to be full of sleeping in, working, getting my permit, and good times! I have to say, despite all the stress, this year was a great year, and I truly enjoyed it!
I hope you all have a fun-filled, fantastical, wonderful, AWESOME summer!
Yours Truly,

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sprite Zero
I get lost in my music so much...I was sitting in math and I was listening to my iPod. I kind of zoned out, and stared at my paper for like 3 minutes. I love those moments where it's like you're just in your own little world and everything else around you doesn't matter. I was listening to this song.
I think I might actually go to bed somewhat early tonight. Have to finish my homework!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Half Way Through!
Moving onto a different subject, Tomorrow...I have a Biology test. Biology is THE WORST class ever. I think I'd actually enjoy Biology SOMEWHAT if the teacher were nicer and didn't think that I was a stupid student. All students make a mistake here and there, but that doesn't mean you gotta roll your eyes at them! ARGH! Oh-well... "The year's almost over." is what my mom said. And it's true! All you people still in high school, keep trying! We CAN pull through!
Floating letters are always cool...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hard Economic Times

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Random Rantings

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Are you joking me?!
So to conclude this post, my weekend was an emotional roller coaster. And I hated it! But in the all turned out okay.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Math is confusing...
pressures sucks.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
In Exactly 3 1/2 Years,
out of high school,
and living an independent life.
Weird to think about...
But for now, I have math and other things to study for.
Today was my best friend's birthday! :)
I had a very fun weekend.
Obsessed is an awesome movie.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Goodbye Weekend.
Sunday, today...did my homework, worked out, went to church, and made my mom get pissed off at me for complaining about my cold. She started yelling at me and...It was lame. Today was the first time in like a LONG WHILE that I've done an intense workout. It was great! This week I'm definitely going to the doctor. NO MORE coughing up lungs, runny noses, and deaf ears! I'm done with this cold!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
So yesterday my friend had a birthday. We went to the mall and watched The Haunting in Connecticut. It wasn't that scary, just kind of messed up. After that we ate at the Macaroni Grill. That's the most eventful thing that's happened since my weekend started.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Hello Sun!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Conficker anyone?
Well, I was sick since spring break, and I didn't seem to feel any better until yesterday. Turns out, I was taking expired Motrin Ibuprofen tablets. "11/08" was the expiration date printed on the label. No wonder I haven't been getting better! My mom's like, "Lisa, next time look at the expiration date before you take the medication!" I felt really dumb after that. BUT, at least I'm getting better. And THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mondays Are The Worst.
To add to that, I still have a fever, my throat is almost dead, and my mom said I sounded like a little boy on the phone....
I'm gonna hope and pray that tomorrow will be better.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Who Knew?
Four Things I Learned Today:
1. I can make my hair somewhat wavey without using harmful heating tools!
2. I can also create cave woman looking hair.
3. All of Europe banned Atrazine.
4. Atrazine is connected with Ovarian, Prostate, and Breast cancer.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Say What They Want, Think What They Want.
So, besides all that, it's late. Spring break is going by really fast...too fast for my liking. The school days will be back before I can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten times fast. This week has been good though. Tomorrow, I don't think I'm gonna do anything. Saturday...Can Drive! (plans always change) Sunday...Homework. I should sleep.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring Break Plans:
Saturday-Sunday: Relaxing.
Monday-Tuesday: Sleepover
Tuesday-Wednesday: More Relaxing.
Friday: Skate World :)
Saturday: Can Drive with my friend in her neighborhood.
Sunday: Homework.
I wish I were this talented.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I don't know what to do.
My brain is so whack, I seriously think I'm going crazy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Every So Often Dental Cleaning
Fun fun fun!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sadie Hawkins Dance
I have homework to work on and time to kill. Write later!
Friday, March 13, 2009
One of the Best Feelings
Sadie Hawkins at 8pm tonight! Who knew it'd take like 30 minutes just to do braided pig-tails and actually make them look good! I was so frustrated, but now my hair's done. I can't wait! It's gonna be bomb-diggity!
It's only Friday....whoa. That's so weird. It feels like it's Saturday.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Done For Now
Worst thing today: Biology! Mrs. Swain, Ms. Swain (I really don't know) wasn't there, but we had a substitute. She was a nice lady, and all, but the thing that was assigned was so freaking annoying!!!!! I cussed way too much this morning, while I was in that class. I didn't mean to, but it's hard to put little tiny beads on wires and thread another wire through to make it look like a DNA model. I was about ready to throw my wired model across the room, or stomp on it, but I wasn't the only one getting frustrated. Many of the other students were too. It was SO CRAZY! I'm never going to take a beeding class in my life thanks to that ONE project.
This Week's Agenda:
- Tomorrow: come home, do homework, then NHS at 7pm.
- Thursday: PTC, then home/homework.
- Friday: Shopping/Sadie Hawkins! YEEHAH!
This song calms me.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Monologue Memorized!
-Arrive around 7:30ish or 7:40 am.
-Get out at 2:50 and go to the auditorium/lobby .
-4:34 pm Monologue audition.
-After that stay at school until the career pathway summit.
-Mom picks me up around 9.
Then...homework. :(
This week is going to be busy busy busy! But I'm glad for that. Staying at home, doing nothing is so boring.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Late Night Bloggage
The beginning of this song always reminds me of the Apple company.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Hero of Guitar
Hello fellow human beings/men. How are you? I am developing Guitar Hero'd wrist. It hurts mucho. For all you stupid people that means a lot. Yes, a lot is two words. I learned that in fourth grade when I got that bonus point wrong. Mr. Bechtold tricked us. Only Tyler got it right. It sucked. I miss fourth grade. I got yelled at for laughing at a porno mag at 7-11. My teacher threatened to take away my self manager badge for that. He didn't though. He eventually took it away because I wrote a three sentence essay.... IT WASN'T FAIR THOUGH. He gave me the wrong names to research! HE NEVER APOLOGIZED. Sooo lame. D: Today in band I was running with my saxophone and I forgot what I ran into but the next thing I knew, my leg was scraped up and bleeding. That sucked too. So today I found out that pretend strokes are more important than my coffee. I guess I have to grow up and realize that when people can't breathe, I can't always get Starbucks. Whatever though. That was sarcasm I hope you know. hmmm I think I wrote a lot. I should start writing on my actual blog. =o I'm gonna go on facebook now and stalk some hotties.
Lisa again.
More guitar hero! Goodbye. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
One of Those Days
1. A kid walked into the entrance door of the library. His friends laughed and so did I, and my friend. It was hilarious! I bet it hurt though...
2. 95/100 on my essay + great comments on it. That essay is my pride and joy! (Gosh, I'm SUCH A DORK!)
Today was also the last day of bowling club. :( I didn't bowl much though. And, tomorrow, I'm staying for the swing dance club, but I'm not dancing with them. My friend and I are going to explore the school and hang out. It'll be fun.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Keep in Touch
One last thing. I had the weirdest dream last night. So, I was with my friend and this one guy (I don't remember who the guy was) and it was snowing outside. There was about a foot or two...or three of snow, and we decided to go into some random shed. Now, the windows in this shed were broken, the blinds were broken, and the window frame was broken. It was really dark outside also. I hear this voice outside that says, "If you see THE LIGHT then you can come outside, but if you don't see THE LIGHT then you need to stay inside!" I look outside, and I see a light from a guy's flashlight, but we still stayed in the shed. Courtney (my friend) told me to fix the blinds, so I tried. Then she said, "Don't make too much noise, or else the creatures will hear us." So, I mess around with it, trying not to make any noise. After I'm done, she decides to fix the window frame, but she makes a HUGE noise. After that, we all go into panic! And then, out of the blue, there's a moose in the window. It jumps through and starts running around in the shed! We started to scream, and the guy said there would be 2 more moose chasing after it. Then...we all ran out into the fields, where there was no snow.
I don't know what happened to make me dream about a wild moose! That's so insane!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Oh man!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
March Already?
-World History Homework
-Self Test on World History (Practice ID)
-Study for Biology Test
-Done son!
I don't know why, but I'm really nervous for my tests. Both my history test and my biology test are on the same day. I guess everyone gets nervous...ugh. So last night I got a phone call at like 11:50 from my best friend. She was at someone's house and she was really bored, but I was brushing my teeth. My mom picked up and said that I wasn't available. I wanted to talk to her because she sounded really bored over text messaging...but my mom said it was too late. So, I couldn't. It made me a little sad. :( I should probably go and finish my history packet. Procrastination = horrible.