Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hard Economic Times

At lunch, my friend and I went into the cafeteria. We saw this sign (picture above). I was like, "Wow, that's a real example of how bad of a state the U.S. is in." My friend was like, "That's so weird!" It's sad...and strange...and wow. That's all I have to say. Today, when I got home, I was watching Vh1, and I fell asleep. Then I woke up at 8:30 pm to "VH1's 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs". For the past month, I've been going to bed so late. Every night, past 12 am. It gets exhausting and I think it's becoming a habit. Maybe it's because I watch TV before I go to bed. Hmmm...


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random Rantings

I'm thinking about doing my biology homework. My textbook is so beat-up, and it looks disgusting. I hate it when I look at old textbooks and touch them, cause they feel SO NASTY! I don't think I'm a germaphobe or anything, but textbooks that are written on, and that have been used for like 500 years are gross...but that's just my opinion. Nice textbooks (which are rare these days) don't feel as gross. Ha, I also hate it when I go to get a drink of water, and there's a loogie or some snot ball IN the drinking fountain. That's the sickest thing...! So, whenever I do find myself in that situation I either A.) Don't drink at all. or B.) Migrate to another drinking fountain. One more thing: I don't hate but dislike is when guys put their hand or hands down their pants. I bring this subject up with my friends and they're like "I know! What are they doing?!" or "They're just sticking their hands down their pants to keep their hands warm..." I'm like "What?! Okay..." I should work on my Biology homework...

I love cool images!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Are you joking me?!

Yes yes, I know it's supposed to be "kidding". I've cried more in this ONE WEEKEND than I've cried ALL YEAR! sucked, but now I guess I'm okay. My family fought on Saturday, and today my mom just blew up in my face, and she said that she's never really had a wonderful, special mother's day. I listened to her, left her alone, then made her a card later. We made up, and I realized that I need to change. I do treat her not-so-nicely sometimes, and I need to stop being selfish and be more responsible...

So to conclude this post, my weekend was an emotional roller coaster. And I hated it! But in the all turned out okay.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I haven't written on here in a while, so I thought I should write something. Hmmm...last night I got accepted into NHS! I was really excited, but now I realize that I actually have to do work...and get hours now. This week has been really easy going. The last couple of weeks I was involved with the Ramona Quimby play, and THAT took a lot of time. But the people in theatre are so awesome! Tomorrow, my family and I are going to my friend's house for dinner. And Saturday, my dad and I are going to play Zelda. :) Quality time, woohoo! Well, I don't know what else to write.

Math is confusing...
pressures sucks.